Sleek Curls
For this hair, there's only one option:
Option 1: ~73k polygons
Of course you are always free to decimate it more.
This hair was made with hair cards so it won't be good with Quest, though it could work.. It's rigged and moves beautiful with physbones and has 13 bones.
Hair Texture: Sugs#9795 (these are rlly pretty go buy them)
You may use this on an avatar for commercial purposes, just don't resell this asset on its own and make sure to credit me (poppyalyssa#1650)
You MAY NOT use this on a free model
You may edit the hair as you please but you MAY NOT resell said edit on its own and you MAY NOT use the hair textures provided on its own unless you buy it from Zinpia (sugs). The edited hair model MUST to be attached to a model for sale (and still credit me for the original piece)
Fbx file with textures